Italian Air Force Museum (Museo Storico dell’Aeronautica Militare) – Vigna di...
Located some 25 kilometers to the North East of Rome, the Museo Storico Aeronautica Militare – Italian Air Force Museum, is the most important aviation museum in Italy. The collection of Italian pieces...
View ArticleNH90 crashes into Bracciano Lake during an airshow
An NH90 helicopter, serialled MM81519 EI-202 of the 1 Gr Sq of the Italian Army based in Viterbo crashed on June 1, in the Bracciano Lake at 15.15L causing the death of Cap. Filippo Fornassi. The other...
View ArticleAli sul Lago: the air display before the NH90 crashed into Bracciano Lake
Even if the Ali sul Lago will be long remembered for the tragic images of the Italian Army NH90 crashing into the waters of Bracciano Lake in front of the Vigna di Valle museum of the Italian Air Force...
View ArticleThe NH90 crash: which possible cause?
In the aftermath of the accident involving the Italian Army NH90 crashing into the waters of Bracciano Lake, I was asked hundreds of questions. People who met me wanted to know what I had seen, others...
View ArticleClose up view of the cockpit of the NH90 before it crashed into the Bracciano...
Giovanni Maduli, one of my co-workers, sent me the following picture he took at Bracciano a few minutes before the NH90 EI-202 crashed into the Bracciano Lake causing the death of Capt. Fornassi. The...
View ArticleVigna di Valle Italian Air Force Museum update
On Feb. 15 I visited once again the Italian Air Force Museum, located in Vigna di Valle, on the Bracciano Lake, some 25 chilometers from Rome. I went there because I wanted to take the pictures I...
View ArticleBf-109 relic
Andrea Lusini, a non-commissioned officer belonging to the 37° Stormo, sent me the following interesting pictures of the remains of a Messerschmitt Bf 109 (a chunk of fuselage, from the seat to the...
View ArticleNew images from the ItAF Museum
On Jun. 18, 2009, the Skema was opened again after 2 years of works. I visited the pavilion, that is now fully air conditioned to provide the most suitable temperature for the preserved aircraft, on...
View ArticleThe IMAM Ro.37bis found in Afghanistan
The IMAM Ro.37 Lince (Italian for “Lynx”) was a two-seat Italian reconnaissance and close air support biplane, purchased as part of the programme launched by the Regia Aeronautica (Royal Italian Air...
View ArticleItalian Air Force Museum Welcomes “New” BR-1150 Atlantic and F-16 Fighting...
The BR-1150 Atlantic and F-16 Fighting Falcon join the outstanding collection of the Italian Air Force Museum. Located some 25 kilometers to the northeast of Rome, the Museo Storico Aeronautica...
View ArticleItalian Air Force NH-500Es With Floats Carry Out Training Activity On Lake...
The NH-500E helicopters equipped with floats carried out the peculiar training activity on Lake Bracciano near Rome. At the beginning of November, two NH-500E helicopters (designated TH-500B by the...
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